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Course Outcomes

Courses Of Study

Four Year Under-Graduate Program (FYUGP) under NEP 2020 is introduced from 2023-2024 session.

Major Course (MC) - Arts

Economics Geography
Education Sociology
English Philosophy
History Ao
Political Science

Major Course (MC) - Sceince

Botany Physics
Chemistry Zoology
Mathematics Geography

Minor Course

Economics Philosophy
Education Ao
English Botany
History Chemistry
Political Science Mathematics
Geography Physics
Sociology Zoology
Functional English Computer Science
  • Students opting for Chemistry Honours should have passed Mathematics at Class 12 level.
  • Applicants opting for Mathematics may do so provided they have passed Mathematics at Class12 level.
  • Minor subject should be related to Major Subject

Detailed course contents of the subjects will be found in the Nagaland University website

Four Years Undergraduate Programme (FYUGP)

When FYUGP was adopted by Nagaland University in 2023, as per option provided, the College opted to continue with the existing CBCS course until it was phased out. Therefore for the current 1st and 3rd Semesters, FYUGP is in place and the CBCS system continues for the 5th Semester.

Awarding of UG Certificate, UG Diploma, and Degrees

UG Certificate

Students who opt to exit after completion of the first year and have secured 40 credits will be awarded a UG certificate if, in addition, they complete one vocational course of 4 credits during the summer vacation of the first year. These students are allowed to re-enter the degree programme within three years and complete the degree programme within the stipulated maximum period of seven years

UG Diploma

Students who opt to exit after completion of the second year and have secured 80 credits will be awarded the UG diploma if, in addition, they complete one vocational course of 4 credits during the summer vacation of the second year. These students are allowed to re-enter within a period of three years and complete the degree programme within the maximum period of seven years

3-Year UG Degree

Students who wish to undergo a 3-year UG Programme will be awarded UG Degree in the Major discipline after successful completion of three years, securing 120 credits and satisfying the minimum credit requirement.

4-Year UG Degree (Honours)

A four-year UG Honours degree in the major discipline will be awarded to those who complete a four-year degree programme with 160 credits and have satisfied the credit requirements.

4- Year UG Degree (Honours with Research)

Students who secure 75% marks and above in the first six semesters and wish to undertake research at the undergraduate level can choose a research stream in the fourth year. They should do a research project or dissertation in the major discipline under the guidance of a faculty member of the College. The students who secure 160 credits, including 12 credits from a research project/dissertation, are awarded UG Degree (Honours with Research).

Note: Honours Students not undertaking research project will do 3 theory courses for 12 credits in lieu of a research project/dissertation.

Course Structure (FYUGP)

Each course could have one, any two, or all three combinations and credits of lectures, tutorials, or practical components.

The following categories of courses and the minimum credit requirements for 3-year UG, 4-year UG (Honours) or UG (Honours with Research) programmes are as given below:

Semester Wise Course and Credit Distribution

Semester I to IV
Semester V to VIII

Papers distribution across Semesters

Paoers distribution across Semesters

Total and Pass Marks:

Paper Credits Internal Marks Total/Pass External Marks Total/Pass Total/Pass Marks
Major 4 25/10 75/30 100/40
Minor 4 25/10 75/30 100/40
AECC (English, EVS) 2 12.5/5 37.5/15 50/20
MDC/IDC 2 12.5/5 37.5/15 50/20
SEC 2 12.5/5 37.5/15 50/20

Question Pattern and Examination Duration

Paper Question pattern & Marks Exam Duration
Major Descriptive: 5x 15 = 75 marks (At least one from each unit) 3 Hours
Minor Multiple Choice: l5xl=l5 marks (At least two from each unit) Short Answer: 5xl = 5 marks (Minimum one from each unit) Descriptive: 5xl0 =50 marks (At least one from each unit) 3 Hours
AEC (English, EVS) Multiple Choice: 15×0.5 = 7.5 marks (At least two from each unit) Short Answer: 5xl = 5 marks (Minimum one from each unit) Descriptive: 5×5 = 25 marks (At least one from each unit) 2 Hours
MDC/IDC, SEC, VAC Multiple Choice: 15×0.5 = 7.5 marks (At least two from each unit) Short Answer: 5xl = 5 marks (Minimum one from each unit) Descriptive: 5×5 = 25 marks (At least one from each unit) 2 Hours

Practicals for both FYUGP and CBCS

Evaluation of Lab records 10 marks
End Semester Exam 30 marks
Regularity 10 marks
Total Marks 50

Practical courses are to be continuous evaluation. All practical examinations shall be conducted internally before the start of external (theory) examinations and be completed 15 days before the beginning of end-semester examination.

Project Paper ( Science and Arts): 100 marks

Project Project Report Presentation & Viva
Project Paper Marks: 50 Pass Marks: 22.5 Marks: 50 Pass Marks: 22.5

Marks to Grade Conversion

Marks(%) Letter Grade Grade Point
90 to 100 0 Outstanding *For papers having 100 marks the GP shall be marks obtained divided by 10   * For papers having 50 marks the GP shall be marks obtained divided by 5
80 to 89.99 A+ Excellent
70 to 79.99 A Very Good
60 to 69.99 B+ Good
50 to 59.99 B Average
40 to 49.99 C Passed
Less than 40 F Failed
Improvement of Semester End Exam

Improvement examinations for theory courses are allowed by the University to desiring students by surrendering their previous Mark sheet. Improvement examinations shall be permitted for a maximum of 2 papers per semester for one time only, during subsequent examinations for that semester. In case the student fails to improve his/her score, marks secured in the previous examination will be used. Improvement examinations will be allowed only if SGPA is lower than A+.

Transfer of College

Students shall not be eligible for transfer of college without obtaining a “No Objection Certificate” from the University.

Add-on Courses

These are additional courses offered outside of the prescribed semester courses. Extra fees may be charged by the College for those who take the add-on courses.

Skill Based Courses

The College arranges 1-2 week Skill based courses such as time to time across the departments for students interested in undergoing such courses