Weaving Memoirs Among The Naga Tribals: A Sociological overview. EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review. ISSN (Online): 2347-9671. ISSN (print); 2349-0187. Impact Factor: SJIF (2016): 6.484, ICV(2016). Published under Paper index EW201703-01-001631. Volume 5, Issue 3, March, 2017.
Naga Indigenous Dyeing and Ritual Observance: A Sociological Overview. EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business review. ISSN (online): 2347-9671. ISSN (print); 2349-0187. Impact factor: SJIF: 6.484, ICV:56.46 published under paper index EW201708-001976. Volume 5, Issue 8, August,2017