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Dr. Alemtola (Assistant Professor)


Dr. Alemtola

Assistant Professor

Dr. Alemtola


  • BA (Patkai Christian College, Dimapur)
  • MA and Ph.D (Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad)

  • Teaching Experience

    Taught in Patkai Christian College, Dimapur in 2022.

    Research Interest

    Aesthetic Philosophy

    Publications (Papers / Articles in Journals / Books)

    “Poetic Experience,” SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 5, Issue 2(2018), 5-8 [; ISSN: 2394-2703].


  • Oral Presentation on “Poetic Experience or Rasanubhava in Poetry” during International Conference on Changing Contours of Indo-Us Relations: Perceptions, Continuity and Change on 31st October-2nd November, 2014 at BITS Pilani K. K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India.
  • Attended as a Rapporteur for the session, “Christianity, Education and Culture” during the Two Day National Seminar on Discoursing the Shifts of the Naga Society in North East India, 14-15 October, 2016 organised by Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad.
  • Attended the five day workshop on “Sanskrit Learning Made Easy” organized by the Department of Sanskrit Studies, University of Hyderabad from 5-9 May, 2018.

  • Awards

    Qualified UGC lectureship-Net (September 2012).

    Courses Taught

    Philosophy and Mentoring in Research works.