Physical Geography, Human Geography, Geomorphology, Regional Geography of North East India and Cartography.
Community –based Ecotourism in the Making: A Case Study of Lemsachenlok, Longleng Nagaland. Published in Life Sciences International Research Journal Volume 4 Issue 2 (2017) ISSN 2347 – 8691.
Conservation of Forest: A Case Study of Minkong Forest in Mokokchung District, Nagaland. Published in The Fazl Ali College Journal, Volume 7:2017 ISSN: 2319-6769
Participation of Local Community to Conserve and Promote Biodiversity. Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Perspective from North East India. Edited by Lanusashi Longkumer, Athungo Ovung, Pranay Punj Pankaj, Dipak Sinha, Pitheli K Jimo, Moamenla Amer. ISBN:978-93-88593-32-8, pp: (85-93) February 2019.
Impact of Diminishing Arable Land on Livelihood Strategies: A Case Study of Eralibill Village, Dimapur District, Nagaland. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. ISSN 2348-3156, Vol. 7 Issue 3, pp: (288-296) 2019
Changing Pattern of Rural Livelihood: A Case Study of Sungratsu Village, Mokokchung District, Nagaland. International Journal of Sciences and Research (IJSR), ISSN: 2319-7064, Vol-8 Issue- 8, pp: (1871-1876) August 2019
Participated in the International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission Seminar on “Land use, Biodiversity and Climate Change”, 11th -13th December 2010, organized by Department of Geography,
Presented a research paper in the International Conference on “Biodiversity, in Climate Change and Environmental Sciences”- 2017. Organized by the Nirmala College for Women, Coimbatore, TN, India, September 08-09, 2017.
Presented a research paper in the XXIX Biennial Conference of NEIGS and XI International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission Seminar on “Environment and Sustainable Livelihood”, February 8-10, 2018 organized by the Department of Geography B.Borooah College, Guwahati, Assam, India.
Presented a research paper in the 40th Indian Geography Congress 2018, National Association of Geographers, India (NAGI) “ Climate Variability, Vulnerability and Resource Management Strategies for Resource Development and Geospatial Technologies”, October 29-31, 2018 hosted by Department of Geography Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh.
Displayed a Poster Presentation in the International Conference on “Chemical Ecology, Environment and Human Health: Emerging Frontiers and Synthesis (ICCEEHH 2019)” August 9-10, 2019. Organized by the Department of Zoology Sikkim University Gangtok, Sikkim.
Fazl Ali College Teachers Association (FACTA)
All Nagaland College Teachers Association (ANGCTA)
Life Membership in Geography Association of Mizoram (GAM)
Life Membership in National Association of Geographers, India (NAGI)