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Red Ribbon Cell

The Red Ribbon Cell takes active participation in the awareness campaign of HIV/AIDS. This Cell is looked after teachers who are designated as Nodal Officers. Students interested in such social awareness are encouraged to be part of the RRC.

Annual Report of Red Ribbon Club, 2013

  1. Ms. Temjensangla Pongener Assistant Professor participated at the one day State Level Trainning cum Orientation for RRC Nodal Officers at Kohima on the 15th of March 2013.
  2. On 21st May 2013, “Busy Bee Film Production”, visited the College and Videos were taken on the activities of RRC FAC.
  3. A Blood Donation Camp was organised by RRC Fazl Ali College in collaboration with Blood Bank IMDH Mokokchung on 21st May 2013 wehre 8RRC members and 2 Teachers donated blood.
  4. On 14th June, 2013 “World Blood Donors Day”, with the theme, “Give the Gift of Life; Donate Blood”, a Slogan Competition was organised at IDSP Conference Hall IMDH Mokokchung, where 5 members of RRC Fazl Ali College participated and the 2nd and 3rd prizes were bagged by Ms. Imnuksungla BA III and Mr. Merentoshi BSc. III respectively.
  5. On the National Voluntary Blood Donors Day, 1st October 2013, 12 RRC members attended the program at IMDH Mokokchung.
  6. 20 RRC members of Fazl Ali College participated as Volunteers in the Multi Media Campaign of NSACS on 5th October 2013 at Cosmos Hall Mokokchung.


  • Ms. Temjensangla Pongener, Nodal Officer RRC
  • Ms. N. Sentinunglaa Pongen, Nodal Officer RRC.